The Hobby Line Internet - Health Echo Network
The Health Network - Zone 999
Health Network
Health network is a small FTN echomail network set up by Mike Dippel to support Sysops who want
to provide health-related topics for their users.
How to join...
Joining is as simple as completing an
online form, and setting up the necessary message and file echos. You will then be sent an email with any necessary
details, and we will begin sending you messages. Alias's are allowed.
Our current message network contains the following areas:
- HN_ADDICTIONS This echo is meant for addictions such as substance abuse like alcoholism, drug abuse
- HN_ALTERNATIVE Chiropractic, massage therapy, alternative shopping items for skin care, medical cannabis
- HN_CHAT Chat about anything
(sysOPs Only)
- HN_DIET Health and wellness through healthy dieting practices
- HN_DISABILITIES This echo can cover a gamut of possibilities since a disability comes in many forms.
- HN_DISEASES Diseases can range from allergies, cancers, cardiovascular, neurological to skin disorders.
- HN_DRUG_ABUSE Substance abuse similar to alcoholism but dealt with through counseling
- HN_FITNESS Certified personal trainer, doing Pilates, aerobics, yoga, using home fitness equipment, etc.
- HN_HEALTH_PROVIDERS Forum about helath providers
- HN_INSURANCE This forum is dedicated to health care insurance plans and providers.
- HN_THERAPY Health professionals offering physical therapy treatment for a wide range of health problems.
- HN_TRAINERS Personal training via a gym or at home, real boxing & kickboxing workouts, etc.
- HN_SUGGESTIONS Suggestions to make this network better.
- HN_SYSOP_ADMIN Sysop/Admin Conference. (sysOPs Only)
Our current File Areas are:
- HN_INFO HealthNet Info Packets
- HN_NODE Weekly Nodelists
If you have any suggestions for a hobby-related conference area you
would like to see added, please take 5 minutes to fill out
this form.
Credit to Michael Selhof for the healthnet image - Node 999:1/2
Last Updated:
Monday November 11, 2024